Thursday, 1 December 2016

Big Skies

Somewhere, between the thin crevice of 17 & 18 I fell through and found myself on the paved-path to becoming a primary school teacher. 

I can vaguely remember my dad saying something like....”Teaching will be ideal’ll always have a job.. and the long holidays will be perfect for when you have children of your own”. And that was it (Flip!!)

My secret dream of going to art college and becoming a fabric designer was man-handled out of my mind and I duly did, ’the sensible thing’ (for all the right reasons, at the time).

I look back now and wonder, why did I let that door of my dreams swing shut so easily? It was almost certainly due to a serious lack of self-belief, courage and what some might call 'personal grit’, but I think it was mostly to do with something else....simply not having a plan. 

Having a PLAN for your life doesn’t sound very funky or attractive. Who wants a plan for their life at 17 (too boring), so let's call it VISION. 

I had NO vision for my life.... 

And it struck me this morning, between my first and second cuppa, that 'lack of vision’, or a considered plan, is probably the main culprit for so many LOST possibilities in life; things that nearly happened in our lives, but didn’t, because we took the easier, safer path. 

The off piste adventures and the thrilling relationships that didn’t find us, the risks and challenges that we never took, the ones that would have shaped us into more courageous people.......

But the truth is, it’s never too late to wake up to life; to wake up to the plethora of possibilities that are waiting for us to grab hold of. 

We simply have to get that vision out of our heads and make it reality

This week I’ve been on an art course at St Ives School of Painting with Trevor. 
It’s been thrilling to take a deep dive into charcoals and printing-inks and stand for days at an easel. 

We stood on the same paint-stained, weathered studios-floorboard that was home to Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth and their infamous troop of artist chums... and we smelt their creative struggles.....and gazed at the same raging sea-views....and were filled with the same awe and wonder and the drama of all things that happen without words.

And I realised that it’s never too late to seize the day... and take back your lost dreams. 

- JB

                    “Creativity takes courage” - Henri Matisse 

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Making Peace

I’m sipping my 3rd cup of tepid camomile tea and gazing, in contemplatory mood, out across an endless sea of rooftops, stretching forever and eventually into a subtle smog.

A procession with frenetic drummers in making its way along the street below, but I’m far too high up to see what’s going on. 

The metro, which runs across the city on a sky-track, rumbles past over my shoulder. Ibiza music floods our smart restaurant and a large Indian family near by chatter excitedly over their extravagant Sunday brunch, while the chirruping of a thousand car horns acts as a screen-saver to the day…. and every day, here in Bangalore, a city of over 4.3 million humans.

The past week has delivered the usual onslaught of emotions, impressions and internal muddle that I always feel when arriving in a new culture. My last trip to India was in 2009, which feels a lifetime ago. But it feels weirdly good to be back.

This time we’re here at the invitation of M&S, to train in 2 textile factories. To give everyone involved a taster of the EL training, as before we’re only been in Africa, in the agricultural sector of the business. So, they want to see if it will work here.

The young women and girls sang their scriptures to us, accompanies by our friend Sridhar on the drums

This past week I’ve been fascinated by the lives of those around me. …. the woman hauling baskets of sand on her head heads to a building site, the girl tapping on my window at the traffic lights pleading with me with gentle persistence to buy a balloon from her, the man in the gutter with no legs calling silently for alms, the focused seamstress at her machine making one of 1,000 lumber jackets for GAP, the tiny, old woman taking her offering to the temple (she goes twice a day).

The make massive knives from old pipes or train parts
 And yesterday we went to visit a community of 70 Sikhs, who once, long ago were weapon-makers to the Indian Kings of old. 

They crafted the swords, sabres and armour and followed the armies around. But, there’s little call for these things today, so they have slipped into the pain of poverty and their amazing talents and skills are fast being lost.

Our new friend Rishi and his wife Rima have been working with the whole community, trying to help them develop new skills to make extra income and teaching the children computer skills. 

They live very simple lives (25 to a small house), draw water from a well hole every other day (water is rationed) and, like us, worry about their children and their future. 

I’m reflecting today on how we are all knitted together in a shared humanity of suffering, struggle, spirituality and survival. But mostly I’m flooded with a sense of how I have so much to learn from being amidst this amazing people group; a massive continent of 1.3 billion people. I see that it’s rich in so many ways.

In particular I see that everyone takes his or her spiritual growth seriously. They are not afraid to talk instantly about things of the heart and to discuss any aspect of personal growth. 

They rise at 5.30am to meditate every day (and often it’s 4.30)….why? 

Because it matters to them, to train the mind and still the spirit, to learn how to spot and control the ego and make peace with themselves every day.

Yesterday I finished THRIVE, by Arianne Huffington. I could share so much from it...what a great book. But here is how she ends (sorry it’s long, but do read it):

“If we’re lucky we’ll have about 30,000 days of life...and the truth is we can't thrive and lead the lives we want (as opposed to the lives we settle for), without going is shaped from the inside out. 

So let’s stop living in the shallows, stop hurting our health and our relationships by striving so relentlessly after success as the world defines it - and instead tap into the riches, the joy and amazing possibilities that our lives embody. 

And it doesn’t matter what your entry point is, or what form your 'wake-up call' takes. It could be burnout, sickness, addiction, the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a line of poetry that stirs something ineffable in you, or a scientific study about the power and benefits of slowing down, getting more sleep or meditation or mindfulness that speaks to you. Whatever your entry point is - embrace it! 

....there are almost no worldly signals reminding us to stay connected to the essence of who we are, to take care of ourselves along the way, to reach out to others, to pause to wonder and to connect to that place from which everything is possible.

Archimedes said, “Give me a place to stand and I will move the world”
So find your place to stand - your place of wisdom and peace and strength. And from that place, remake the world in your own image, according to your own definition of success, so that all of us - women & men - can THRIVE and live lives with MORE joy, MORE compassion, MORE gratitude...and yes, MORE love. 

Onward, upward ...and inward” 

The ancient clan of weapon makers and our new friends Sridhar, Rishi and Rima (back row, 3rd, 4th & 5th from the left)


- JB

Monday, 11 April 2016

Journaling - the leaders vital friend

Leadership is simple, but it is rarely easy. 
Simple because, in Gardner’s words it is, “the ability to create a story that affects the thoughts feelings and actions of others”1; simple, in that it’s about getting from ‘here’ to ‘there’ in any area you want to see change, but challenging in that
it requires all of you to do it. Leadership is for everyone, but it also requires everything from you. 

So, how do you bring everything to the task of leading? We need friends, mentors, therapists, coaches
and books, but we also need ‘inner’ friends as well - friends like meditation, and the regular
making of space in the day. One of the most helpful, but less spoken, friends to the leader is
their journal....that simple book of empty pages, with a cover that makes you want to write
inside it.

Why is a journal such a crucial part of a leaders team, a leaders resourcefulness?

“That’s how the light gets in”
Leonard Cohen says “there’s a crack in everything, that how the light gets in” and the leader is
in constant search of light. They need to see and they need to see clearly. When a leader
writes each day in their journal they are looking for the cracks, tiny openings to give them a
window into clarity. It may start by just writing the narrative of what happened yesterday, or
what is going on in this phase of the leadership, but the leader is looking as they write. As they
write they hear themselves talking and suddenly ‘ah ha…I hadn’t noticed that before…I keep
using the word “weary”…what is it that seems so wearisome when everything is going so well
right now?’
1 Howard Gardner Leading Minds 1995

This article started in my journal. I was working hard and making sense of what is going on in
our organisation right now. It’s maybe the third time in a week that I have written about the
same things. It doesn’t matter. As I write and rewrite I am organising my thoughts, putting
some shape to the chaos each time, trying out whether this perspective is the most accurate
way of seeing things today. Like working the piece of grit in the oyster shell, I keep on
working the narrative of my leadership life to find insight, to find clarity, to find the crack of
light that may illuminate where I’m feeling stuck but just cant properly name right now.
When we lived in South Africa we lived on the edge of a mountain full of vineyards. Each day
that we could, we would walk up that mountain and at certain points we would stop to take in
the view, to get perspective. That’s what journaling is for the leader, a walk up a mountain to
get perspective on their day, this phase of their leadership journey, that meeting this morning,
this oh-so-difficult decision. When we are down in the valley of delivering our leadership
each day is crowded out with so many things, so many emails, decisions, challenges, requests,
tensions, conflicts. The journal acts like a table where we begin by pouring out absolutely
everything onto its surface so we can see it, just as it looks and feels in all its complex
messiness. Journaling is then a process of beginning to sort through what is there and what
belongs where. A good piece of leadership wisdom is “get clear and get others clear” and
journaling is the place within a leaders life where they can invest in searching for clarity.
The hard work miracle
I remember a book I once read about personal and relational transformation - it had this eyecatching
subtitle - “the hard work miracle”. Leadership is a constant search for the
‘miraculous’ in terms of breakthroughs but miracles don’t just fall off trees, they are the result
of much hard work and the leaders journal is one of those places that the hard work is done.
The leader can write out their questions, what’s bugging them, what they know and what they
don’t know. In their journal they can write out everything they are thinking right now, they
can write down what they are feeling, they can write out what they are doing. As they lay out
these narratives and questions and musings they can look at what they are writing and can
hunt down the patterns or spot the assumptions or note the leaps and the omissions in their

Forging wisdom out of experience

It’s one thing to get a day’s worth of experience, it’s another thing to get a day’s worth of
wisdom. Wisdom is the result of processing the experiences of our leadership journey and
seeking the wisdom from it. Writing down what I did, what went well, what could have gone
better, why did I react the way I did in that situation, what did I learn, is the way to find out
where the wisdom lies. “If we don’t change history, then it will repeat”. This is as true for the
leader as for a nation. Journaling out my history and seeing whether it achieved what I hoped
it would and if it did ‘why’ did it and if it didn’t ‘why’ didn’t it. Socrates said, “the unexamined
life is not worth living” and journaling is how a leader carries out that examination. We often
think of therapy as the place for serious self-examination, and it is, but what lies between
todays experience and paying a therapist to process it? Truthfully, however helpful therapy is
(and it most definitely is and at times is most vital for a leader) the reality is that people aren’t
in therapy for long, generally speaking. So what do we do on a day-to-day basis to live an
examined life? Journal. Journaling is open to every leader every day.

Turning into the wind

You can be sailing along nicely in your leadership journey but you know that you are avoiding
the hard things that have to be addressed. That staffing issue, that attitude issue you bumped
into in someone on your team, that funding issue……you know they need to be faced but its
just more comforting sailing with the wind. Journaling is a way that a leader can turn into the
wind and begin to address the rough waters. By writing down the fact that you are avoiding
something and naming what it is that you are avoiding and why you want to keep on avoiding
it, means that you have actually begun the process of turning the boat into the wind.
Journaling helps you make the turn and it helps you stay tight on the tiller while you address
rough waters. Journaling is a discipline that forces us into a process of self-reflection and a
way of developing some leadership muscle.

Teasing out the threads

When your grandmother wanted to unpick your old sweater she had to start somewhere. The
best place to start was looking for a strand hanging down, a loose thread. Once you pick up
that loose thread then you can begin the slow process of unpicking the rest of the sweater.
Journaling serves the same function. It allows us to pick up a random thought, or concern, or
comment and anxiety, or intuition and to then follow it through to its conclusion. I caught
myself saying to my fellow leaders yesterday that my intuition tells me there was one-piece
missing from our vision planning. A comment like that is a loose thread. It may lead
somewhere or nowhere, but writing the ‘thread’ down and then asking myself “what makes
you think there’s more?” and then jotting down any random idea that comes to mind will lead
me to unpick what else may be hidden. It doesn’t matter if the thread leads somewhere or
nowhere, but it needs to be explored and the journal is an immediate place to begin that

Reality testing

All good leaders are realists as well as visionaries and strategists. Regular journaling is a
confrontation with reality. Starting an entry with “so what is actually going on right now?” and
then naming the facts, the feelings and the behaviors that the leader sees in front of them.
“What do we know and what don’t we know” is another testing of reality. Today I wrote out a
quadrant with 4 headings – “delivery”; “sustainability”;” governance”; “opportunity”, so that I
could write down the facts of what was actually going on. How many people had we actually
trained since January this year? Writing down the reality is often sobering, sometimes
difficult. Even noticing how hard it is to confront reality tells me that I’m in danger of avoiding
the truth of a current situation and if I avoid the truth then everything that follows will be
inaccurate. Journaling is also great for reality testing our own thinking. You might start an
entry with “everything seems to be coming apart right now” or “nothing seems to be moving
forwards”. Journaling allows you to then reality check those statements by asking yourself in
your journal “so what exactly isn’t working out?”….and then list them. What this writing down
of reality achieves is it stops the leader from making conclusions based on fear or pure
emotion rather than facts or evidence. Journaling is like doing one phase of CBT (Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy), on yourself.

Confronting the shadow

Every day it is likely that the leader will face unwanted or unexpected feelings. Waking up
with a sense of dread that seemed to come from nowhere, for no reason; a meeting where you
found yourself bored or irritated by a colleague on a subject that should have interested you
greatly, a surprising roughness in the way you answered a colleagues innocent question, a
fear of inadequacies. A journal is the first place for the leader to confront themselves, to look
themselves in the mirror. The one place that they can go to straight after that difficult meeting
and start journaling about what they were feeling. As the leader writes, they are facing their
own shadow. We all have a shadow and that shadow is never benign or innocent. That
shadow is exerting as much influence through us as leaders as the nicer, more welcome parts
of ourselves.
It is clear that a leaders insecure ego can have multiple effects on the people and the
organisation that they lead. Their need to lead, their need for praise, to be right, to be seen as
an expert, to be loved by all, to be macho, to be conciliatory, to be the best, the first, to be seen,
to be understood…..the ego is embedded in our shadow. The ego doesn’t want to be seen and
most of all it doesn’t want to change. But change it must if the leader is to continue to lead
with integrity. When I sat down after a talk I was giving the other evening I felt unhappy with
myself, the talk I’d given and the way I’d answered some questions. It was a prime
opportunity to wake up the next day and head straight to my journal. “What was going on last
night …..” I would begin to write. Facing down my own shadow was the necessary work
of that morning and that work could begin without waiting for any team or therapist…it could
start right there with my journal.

A free coaching session

A coach asks questions; lots of questions. The reason for this is to raise the coachees
awareness of what is going on in the situation they are exploring or the challenge they are
facing. Once they have some new insight they can then create some new options for action.
The most frequently used coaching model around the world is called the TGROW model. It
structures a conversation in five phases. A journal provides free coaching by using the
questions on yourself. 
Write down each question:-
“What is the topic you want to think through Trevor?” (T= Topic)
“What do you need from this exploration or issue?” (G= Goal)
“What is going on right now and what other perspectives could you get on this issue?” (R =
“What are all the options you can think of to resolve this issue?” (O = Options)
“What are the actual actions you are going to take?” (W = Wrap up)
Whilst having an actual coach will obviously add enormous value, especially in making sure
you don’t collude with yourself, there are many issues where we can make some good
progress by ourselves by self-coaching in our journal.

Freeing up the bandwidth

Computers get stuck, freeze up, or simply slow up because there is too much going on at once.
Many of us experience the same feeling as a leader. Our ‘processing” bandwidth is so full that
we become slow and inefficient in our thinking. Using the journal as a constant downloading
process frees up our minds to work much more effectively on the main issues confronting us.
A car park for insights
A leaders reading and learning is vital. Why? Salman Rushdie said once that
‘Those who do not have the power of the story that dominates their lives – power to retell
it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it and change it as times may change – truly are
powerless because they cannot think new thoughts’
A leader cannot create a new story or get power over an old one using old thoughts, they need
new thinking. Where is the leader going to learn to think new thoughts if not their reading,
and their learning from whatever the source? The leaders journal is like a car park for writing
down those fresh thoughts. It maybe from a book, from a business magazine, from an
interview you read on the Internet, from a quote someone at work used in a presentation this
morning. Write them all down. And once they are written down you can return to them maybe
later that day, that week or that month. 
Once they are written in the journal you can then
journal about those insight and quotes. “That’s what Rushdie says but what do I think about
what he’s saying? What new thoughts does his quote stir up for me?

What’s your story? – in search of your bigger “yes”

I started this exploration with Howard Gardner’s definition of leadership “The ability to
create a story that affects the thoughts, feelings and actions of others”. A leader is someone who
discerns the story they want to write in any aspect of their life (vision) and then sets about
writing it (strategy) and ensures that the lives of others are positively impacted (influence).
Someone once said that the only way you can say ‘no’ to the distractions and negatives in our
life is to have a bigger ‘yes’, a vision, a clear and growing picture of the story you want to
write, whether that’s in your life direction, your family, your work sphere. Journaling allows
us to keep on exploring what this story is, what we want it to be, how to keep that bigger ‘yes’
fresh each day of our lives. “Where am I heading in this project? This organisation?” or “Who
am I becoming as a person?”, or “what really matters to me in my life right now – what’s my
bigger story?” or “what is the legacy I want to leave”. Journaling allows us to explore and
enlarge that very real story for our life.

Spend it all

The great thing about journaling is that it is entirely original – its just you, with your fresh
words, today. It is entirely unrehearsed and it’s only written for an audience of one – you; you
aren’t trying to shape a talk for anyone else. In the words of Brene Brown, when you journal,
you are just writing your own “first shitty draft”, of what is going on for you right now. It’s a
naked journey, its just you as you are, uncensored, as honest as you dare to be with yourself.
You don’t have to spell check it, grammar check it. It can be random words, bullet points, half
finished sentences – it doesn’t matter. What matters is simply doing it. Write it all down. 

In the words of Pulitzer Prize winning author Annie Dillard – “Spend it all”. Get it all out and
then more will be given to you. That’s how it works. I wouldn’t be without it and I commend it
as a vital friend to every leader every day…..or as often as you can each week. 

Go and buy yourself a journal and make it an integral part of your leadership….and your life.

Trevor Waldock March 2016

Monday, 29 February 2016

“Just One More Stroke”

“Just one more stroke”, said Adam Walker (see left), who went from novice water-lover to extreme ocean swimmer. These were the words of Adam in an interview with Richard Cole yesterday on BBC 4’s Saturday Live.  
How did he keep himself going when everything within him wanted to give up? Swimming in open waters for 11 hours, vomiting up because of ocean sewage, being stung to paralysis by a Portugese Man of War, unbearably cold temperatures with no wet suit 

- he say’s to himself, “Just take the next stroke…that’s all you need to do”.

This resonated with me so much, because I started Emerging Leaders as a total novice and after 10 years it has often felt like one of the intrepid swimmers Ocean swims. I have often thought that that is exactly how we have got to where it’s got to.  One stroke at a time. The days when you are working so hard to get these trainings up and running – the funding, the organising, the partners not answering your emails, the agreements made - followed by the agreements being ignored……oh, and did I say “the funding”?  Each stage has challenges – starting something, getting it moving, finding funders, getting on and off planes to deliver the training to make it happen, creating enough evidence of the impact of the training to draw other partners in, managing those new partners, finding the right team members, getting them on board, bedding them into their new roles, creating new programmes and tidying up old ones.

The wild ocean off the S.African coast of the Western Cape - home to hundreds of whales

Tim & Maz Walker
This morning I was moved to some very real tears as I watched on a Facebook video two of our team, Tim & Maz Walker (not related to Adam the swimmer!)  delivering an Emerging Leaders programme to a group of people under a bamboo tent in the middle of Madagascar!  I’ve never been to Madagascar but Emerging Leaders training is there. I can’t describe to you how wonderful that feels. I’m sure it’s the kind of feeling that Adam feels when he’s completed another Ocean swim.  What did my tears tell me? Never forget what it is that gives you joy in this ocean swim that we call Emerging Leaders. It’s easy to forget and when you forget, you lose your joy and when you lose your joy you lose your way.

My tears reminded me where my joy is and that I must have lost it in my business….but the tears reminded me where it is. Thank God for tears. The joy of seeing people who would never otherwise get a chance to learn - whether in their mud hut, bamboo tent, crumbled classroom, local tree - learning how to LEAD their own life and how to change the world around them.  

How can seeing someone’s life change, not bring you to tears?…….so as I head into another week and will inevitably need, at times, to say to myself “one more stroke”, I can do it with the joy of having reconnected with my own sense of mission in life. And that is precious.

- TW