When the final tally is made
...I don't want to know....
- That you left your family financially secure
- That you climbed all the Munro peaks in your 60's
- Or you won a National Bake-Off competition
...I'm not interested if...
- You built an eco friendly house or left your body to science
- Or you worked every hour to win souls for your God
...I'll shrug my shoulders if I hear that...
- You brought 3 beautiful, talented children into the world
- Had a handicap of 4 or had your crib featured in Homes&Gardens
...I don't care if...
- You collected an impressive fleet of model vintage cars or rare stamps,
- Gave blood once a month or wore Botox well
What matters is...

- You knew how to have fun and how to laugh easily, even in the tough times
- You learnt about yourself from the agony of broken relationships, by allowing yourself to fall apart and trusting yourself to mend one day
- You had a mentor and fed on the wisdom of the elders you pulled close to you in your life, because you knew the danger of your fragile ego.
- You took risks to dare greatly, in order to learn to live a Brave life
- You wrestled with self doubt that threatened to bury you alive, but you found a way to say,
- You waited when the way ahead was un-lit and peppered with un-certainly; waiting without hope, waiting for grace to gather you up.
- You knew how to hurt & bleed & cry for an aching world, because your heart had been baptised in Empathy.
- You knew you were but dust, but had found your Immortal Diamond
- You had learnt to walk with yourself in honesty and acceptance
- You searched out companions along life's journey that built you up and gave you wings to fly
- You never stopped growing and pushed yourself by saying, "WHY NOT?" ...because you didn't let fear be the author of your life's story.
- You viewed life with excitement and joy and as a bloody-big-adventure.
- You saw your life as an opportunity to be an Asset to the Universe, so you Loved Fearlessly and ran a quality race to the end.....
- JB