Friday, 27 March 2015

Something new...!

Jane filming in Mbekweni Township, S.Africa
'Millions of children and young people around the world live in jungles of lawlessness, violence and oppression*. They have to adapt fast, stay invisible and keep themselves safe, any way they can.

How will these children learn today to become the strong, efficient and courageous leaders that their world will need them to be in the future?

Children will learn how to lead their lives from somewhere....the story of their lives will be written, one way or another. 

Some of them will find a way to keep a hold of their life-pen, but most will learn from a young age to give away their pen to those who are stronger than they are, because they know that it is the only way they can survive in their communities.

They will learn that they can’t possibly survive without being subservient to their peers, to the gangs in their neighbourhood and to controlling adults....and this is the road to a loss of dignity, hopes and dreams.

So, who is growing the leaders of tomorrow, today?

We believe that children can and should be learning the skills of leadership, along with their ABC. Even a 5 year old child can learn the basic principles of good leadership.

Using our new LEAD NOW material in a school

The fact is that children thrive under good leadership. They know how it feels to be nurtured by an adult who believes in their awesome potential and who helps them to flourish. 

And they know when that leadership robs them of their joy & happiness....children know. 

If children don’t learn how to lead themselves and their relationship when they are young, they will not be equipped to lead groups, organisation or even a nation when it’s their turn.

It’s as simple as that....

Leadership, and ONLY leadership will get them over the Impossibly High Walls they will face in their lives. 

The bottom line is this....
There is NO sustainable change anywhere without good, strong leadership and it is only leadership that will help people to overcome and break the cycles of Hopelessness anywhere in the world.

Emerging Leaders wants to see Leadership training in every school and that’s why we have been developing a programme called LEAD NOW, for 8-13 year olds. 

It is a programme that helps children to realise that they can lead themselves and their relations...TODAY...right now”

 - JB

Note: You have just read the script used for the new promo-vimeo for NEW NOW

 *850 million people live in poverty in the world today. 600 million have no clean water and half the whole world population of 7 billion survive each day on $2.5 a day (the price of a Costa coffee).