Thursday, 21 May 2015

CREATING something new

The struggle to CREATE something new

Since being in this glorious country of South Africa, I’ve tried to nudge myself towards drawing more regularly, not just carting unused chalks and pencils around in my suitcase, which is of no use to anyone.

I’ve been asking myself recently, “So, what’s the problem girl? Why aren’t you drawing every day, like someone who is keen to improve and also values the creative process that brings balance and perspective into daily life?”
…”What’s holding you back?”

And it got me thinking about why any ‘creative act’ seems so hard and why we often shy away from
       - Having a go at something new
       - Working at improving a skill
       - Allowing ourselves to trust our creative instincts
       - Making time to create, just for the sheer delight of it
…And most of all, being willing to feel the pain and struggle that goes with creative activities and push through to that end place.

Last week I decided to try and capture my raw thoughts and reactions as I tried to draw. So, here it is, it’s not pretty…. it’s just my uncensored notes, as I literally battled to create something now.

“I don’t know where to start on this paper.
I don’t know where I’m going….I have no plan…!!

I see what’s in front of me... I see the mountains, but it’s all confusion…I can’t find my brain

I feel like a toddler, knowing that they want to walk, but having no clue how to start

But I start…the marks are ridiculous they make no sense. They are lies compared to what I’m seeing.

I don’t know how to interpret what I’m seeing; I’m out of my depth completely.
It feels uncomfortable.

It feels impossibly hard. My brain says, “You can’t do this” (Loudly)
I make many more marks…they all look ridiculous.

I feel doubt. I fear disappointment and failure. “What if it gives me no pleasure and I end up feeling frustrated and disappointed with my efforts”

“What if I can’t find a way to access my creative, right-brain? I know I can’t do this unless I find my way there…to that mystical, other space inside myself”

I’m living now with chaos on the page – why am I bothering? It’s not working!
I must find a connection with these outrageously, awesome mountains.

I’m searching for the right marks that will tell a story, create a drama and force an emotion in me.

I’m on an adventure to find a million marks that will work together to tell a story.

But I want it to be easy…..I stab at the paper, making unintelligent marks…
“No” I shout, you can’t cheat, there are no short cuts…you must draw from your deep creative brain… you must find your way there.

"Be intelligent, there is no other way”

“Stick with the NOT KNOWING…make every mark intelligent and intense, but also unimportant and lost in the whole”

I want it to be easier than this. I want it to 'just happen' magically on the page. There must be an easier way (but I know there isn’t)

I hear a voice saying…
"Don’t be afraid to create a bit of random madness and mess. 
Feel the flow. 
Let anger be a potent emotion in the struggle. 
Fight with your creation and..
Let yourself escape onto the page”


“The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aims too high and falling short, but in setting our aims too low
…. A man/woman paints with his brain and not with his hands”